Saturday 30 August 2014

9. Count Basie – The Atomic Mr Basie [1957]

9. Count Basie – The Atomic Mr Basie [1957]

Nice tasteful cover there,they couldn't have a picture of a model of an atom or something instead? Reminds me a lot of the cover for A-Tom-ic Jones only not as funny.

Why am I prattling on about Tom Jones?
Well because there's not really much I can say about this. I quite enjoy big band jazz and at first I found this album to be much better than the Duke Ellington album I heard before. Well at first it did anyway.

The first 2 or 3 songs really kick off the album in style and really got my hopes up that this would be a great record. Sadly though it doesn't last & it felt like to me that the energy drops after that and soon resorts to being background music. I can't say I didn't enjoy this but it failed to grab me in any significant way after such a promising beginning.

Rating 2.5 / 5

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